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Unfortunately, iTeXMac does have bugs.

New bugs should be declared at the sourceforge bug tracker. Don't forget to give the version numbers.

bugs in 1.2.b4:

The hunting is open
- (07/11/02) Problem with spaces in input header directive: in
remove any white space between the ":" and "rootFileName"
- (07/10/02) Projects are not CVS aware. Fixed soon.
- (07/04/02) Symbol menus in the drawer are not shown. This is a known bug only on certain systems. In the terminal, try to enter
defaults write comp.text.tex.iTeXMac "iTMSymbolMenuNewSystem" 'NO'
and if it still does not work
defaults write comp.text.tex.iTeXMac "iTMSymbolMenuNewSystem" 'YES'
Do tell me if you chose YES or NO and what system you are using.
If you chose NO, you will certainly have to choose YES the next time you upgrade your system, unless I have posted a new release of iTM that fixes the thing.
- (07/04/02) On some recent systems (OSX 10.1.5) the first menu item of the symbol menus of the drawers is white, it will be black once it has been highlighted. Do tell me if you are subject to that bug.

bugs in 1.1.15:

The hunting is open

- (06/15/2002-1) iTeXMac crashed when I changed parts of my home directory to a new volume.
- (06/15/2002-2) iTeXMac might not be compatible with accented chars in volumes.

bugs in 1.1:

The hunting is open

I did not think i would have such reports so quickly, too bad.

- (05/26/2002-1): syntax coloring is buggy on certain files causing a BIG CRASH. Try to enlarge the text window to the max and do not rely on soft text wrapping. fixed in 1.1.1
- (05/26/2002-2): iTeXMac is not compatible with "Remove line endings" by WordServices
- (05/26/2002-3): help might be not available in the french localization (under certain circumstances only)

If you want to be a pre release/beta tester, mail me. You will receive private notifications of any pre release as soon as it is posted. Public announcements will be made after a test stage.

Copyright J. Laurens 2002
Last update 05/26/2002
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